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Sustainable Aviation Workshop

6-8 September 2022

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Technical cooperation initiatives between the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) have gradually increased in recent years, and with the benefits of exchanges becoming more apparent, the two authorities organised a full workshop on a subject of increasing importance for the sector: sustainable aviation. For the event, held from 6-8 September, stakeholders from industry were invited to join, for a comprehensive discussion of regulatory developments, opportunities and challenges identified on the road to sustainability.

The workshop was hosted at JCAB headquarters, Tokyo, and contained three sessions covering Policy trends in the EU and Japan, New technologies, and Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), which included presentations from authorities (European Commission DG CLIMA and DG MOVE, EASA, JCAB) and industry (IHI, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Airbus, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, REVO International, Neste, Safran). It was attended by more than sixty participants in total, in-person and online. Following the event, European and Japanese participants concluded that there is a lot of potential to extend cooperation in the sustainable aviation domain, and agreed to pursue more exchanges on it in the future.

On the occasion of the workshop, the JCAB Aviation Safety and Security Department and EASA International Cooperation Department discussed the establishment of an Aviation Partnership Project (APP). The two parties agreed to initiate the process for launching this platform with the objective to enhance EU-Japan cooperation in different domains of civil aviation. 

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