Workshop on Innovative Aerial Services – Operations and Infrastructure
12-13 September 2023
Under the new EU-Japan Aviation Partnership Project (APP), the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) organised a workshop on the design of infrastructure (vertiports) for and operations of innovative aerial systems. It was the second in a series of activities in this domain, and took place in Tokyo from 12-13 September. Apart from sessions dedicated to the exchange between the two authorities, part of the programme involved the contribution of industry stakeholders to the discussion.
On the first day, JCAB and EASA each presented their latest regulations and ongoing rulemaking activities in the domain. On the second day, the discussion between both authorities went deeper into the respective vertiport design regulations. This was followed by a presentation covering the general state of play of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in Europe. Finally, industry perspectives on the subject were contributed by Volocopter, SkyDrive, UrbanV, and ORIX.
EASA and JCAB will continue the exchanging on innovative aerial systems and the different aspects involved. Workshops to facilitate these are expected to take place in the first quarter of next year.
You can find the supporting resources for this activity here. A password is required. To request access please contact Jesper Jansen at